Monday, July 13, 2015

Insiden Low Yat and Next?

With the release of this video, I cannot stand it any longer.

-The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing-

I would not start by stating all the negative comments of "Kepala hotak buat pe ko gi pukul dia?". That is a statement that only comes out when we are at the level of anger. Nothing good comes out when we take action/comments out of anger. Actually in this comment I would not say a thing about the video. About who right and who is wrong. I want you readers to look at this video and think. Do not have a pre-assumption. Don't judge yet. Look at it and think. No anger, sorrow or any kind of emotion. Think.

P/S: To me, IF it is true that the seller trick the buyer, the buyer can just sue the company and get loads of cash back in return. Rather than causing damage to the car, he could have own the car. Rather than fighting over a phone, he could have buy tons of phone.

Based on my observation, this issue is a SYMPTOM. A symptom that is created and amplify by the social media. With the growing ethnic clash in Malaysia, Malaysia will lose the most basic foundation of this (one and only) country, unity in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society.

I give you a simple example. In a house of family, Brothers is fighting with each other (over who is playing PS1 1st :p). The mother who is seeing this situation in a bigger perspective, does not take side of both of them. Why? Because he sees that if brothers fight that it is not a good family condition to live in. It will affect the younger sister, it will affect how they behave in the dining table, it will affect maybe until they are grown-up, they don't want to help each other.

What happens if the mother take sides? Either of them will start (naik kepala (xtau cane nk translate :p)). The effect? The big brother who is sided will think they are superior and they can do whatever they want to the little brother. According to the mother, everything from the older brother is right. It will continue until they are grown up where the big brother will take advantage of the little brother.

Now we see Malaysia, Malaysia is the family and the brothers are fighting each other over (well you know it)? We the rakyat are the "mother" in this situation. Not the government. Government pun macam ape jer. If we take sides in the social media universe, what is the perception of the brothers? They will think we back them up. We back-up the stupid action that they do. Like brothers fighting in a family.

As a conclusion, taking sides will not solve the problem. It will worsen it.

Some readers of this blog will maybe to try to side either one. But I say it does not matter because the person who are taking sides is not looking at this from a bigger perspective. If riot starts to break out across the country, the country will undergone instability that will cause our country to be open to attacks from outside country.

No more business.
No more food (nasi lemak waaa rindu siak)
No more lepak mamak

It is going to be gang wars everywhere.

At that time (as a Malay saying) "Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga". Things will get worst if we as individual DO NOTHING.

Kalo nk protest, protest pakai intellectual and education.

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