Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Assalamualaikum and good day to all of you who has stumble upon my blog. :)

It has been bugging me for quite some time now but finally I have my own blog that i want to share, educate, learn to and from people out there that is in the same boat (maybe not all the time) as i am. 1st of all i would introduce myself as Vmos. From here on out I would go by the pseudonym Vmos.

Our country right now (Malaysia) is on a collision course towards destruction. I want to voice out my opinion on this matter (better late than never). This is what this blog is all about. But rather than concentrating myself on the problem (which there is heap!) I would be focusing on the solution. Solution in which I think is the best in the current position (power, skill, etc) that I am in right now (as a student studying overseas). But 1st we need to look at the problem.

 Malaysia's current exchange rate (at the time i am writing this post) to the US dollar is RM3.82 to USD1. It is equivalent to the time in which Malaysia face an economic crisis back in 1997 or 1998. At that time some of the ASEAN countries tried to solve the problem by borrowing from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

With the IMF creating perpetual debt (infinite debt) towards the ASEAN countries, these countries have no choice but to surrender their homeland, economic and military. The IMF can rule other countries by proxy (you think you have independence but you're NOT!) by using this method.

This is a very dangerous time for Malaysia as we are vulnerable to attacks from other countries. Attack includes:
- Poverty
- Scarcity of food
- Rising of everyday goods (items that we import will become higher in price because of our low   exchange rate)
- Economic
- Social
- Political
- Civil Wars
- Military (last option if an enemy wants to invade our country)

For this post I would like to focus on economic and technology. This post will be solely targeted to overseas student who are currently (or not) studying in Engineering or Bio-technology (Agriculture to be precise)

Senang citer negara kita noob daripada segi semua ni. Kita terlalu dependent dengan technology negara luar. Ini menyebabkan negara kita tidak jadi negara pengeluar. Apabila negara kita asyik mengimport and matawang kita jatuh, itu akan menyebabkan negara kita tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk berdiri dengan sendiri.

Saya tidak kata saya tidak suka negara Indonesia tapi kita mengambil contoh dan iktibar dari negara mereka. Apabila tahap technology sesebuah negara berada pada tahap rendah, negara itu xtau nk buat apa. Jadi kebanyakan warganya akan migrate ke negara jiran in hopes for a better life (tiada pekerjaan). Maka kita hanya memandang Indonesia sebagai negara tenaga buruh sahaja.

Mari kita lihat Jepun pula. Jepun mempunyai tahap technology yang sangat tinggi. It creates job opportunity for the people. They develop the technology and EXPORT it. Duit masuk ke negara mereka.

Kesimpulannya, technology and economic are closely related.

Jadi apa kene mengena dengan pelajar overseas Vmos?

Ini apa yang ibu saya cakap and i'm quoting "[Name] janganlah belajar kat overseas fikir nk grad sahaja. Lepas grad kahwin. Kahwin dapat anak. Kerja biasa-biasa sahaja untuk tanggung family. Mak tak kata jalan itu salah. Cuma rugi kalau MARA hantar belajar overseas hanya untuk kerja biasa-biasa sahaja. [Name] cuba fikir. Kalau [Name] tak cuba untuk buat negara kita lebih baik, dunia apa yang anak-anak nanti hidup? [Name] yang akan membentuk negara, suasana untuk anak-anak belajar. Mak tak nak hidup dalam negara anak ramai tapi hanya jadi orang biasa. Zaman mak dah berlalu. Mak sudah tua. Mak dan Ayah cuba untuk memberi peluang supaya [Name] boleh bina negara. Jangan buat untuk politician, jangan buat untuk orang kaya, JANGAN buat untuk mak, buat untuk the next generation. Mak tak paksa [Name] untuk jadi lawyer ke, doktor ke, askar ke. Harapan Mak adalah untuk [Name] jadi orang baik dan tolong orang. Itu sahaja"

Anyway ini adalah few suggestion.

Chemical Engineer
- Identify apa chemical yang boleh diproduce di Malaysia (dengan bahan yang Malaysia ada) and try to sell it to outside country.

Electronics and Computer Engineer
- Develop security system or wireless system yang hi-tech, produce di Malaysia dan sell it to other country, maybe Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Mechanical Engineer/Automotive Engineer
-Develop engine sendiri di Malaysia. Tapi try buat green tech. And sell it to other country.

Mechatronics Engineer
-Mechatronics ni byk giler application. Boleh guna untuk 3 yg atas. Manufacturing yg murah, precise seperti Jepun. Mass production. Atau machine yang boleh mass produce. Sell it to other country.

-Cuma improve penanaman padi di Malaysia. (Tanaman padi bertingkat?? maybe). Intern pertama saya buat saya research tentang padi di Malaysia and it is shocking (for me) that Malaysia mengimport beras walaupun kita pengeluar (maksudnye prouction kita tidak mencukupi untuk menampung jumlah penduduk). Try improve yang ini.

This maybe some of the ways but I think these are things that we need to think about.

P/S: Minta maaf kerana merojakkan post ini. Tetapi isi harus disampaikan jua. This blog is dedicated to local and overseas stundent juga. :)

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