Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mahathir strikes again

The Q&A session after the speech from Tun Mahathir. Some of the key highlights of the video:

7.00 - The jurisdiction and relation with Tun Mahathir

13.00 - The facts about corruption and corruption in Malaysia
A lesson that can be learn here is that buat apa duit banyak-banyak? Tidakkah kita ingin lihat negara kita maju? Maju in a sense that the people have food on the table, roof over their head and freedom to live our own life?

19.00 - Tun Mahathir wishes to the youth of Malaysia.

21.00 - English Education explained; why English for Science and Technology is important?
We have to accept the fact that English is the language of knowledge nowadays. Every era has the language of knowledge. There was once a time where everybody had to learn Greek, then Arab, India, Chinese, Malay and so on. If you take example of Japan, they created their own technology, if Japan was not bombed by the US, maybe some time right now everybody had to learn Japanese. It is just the way things are. We cannot be ignorant to say that we stop the acquisition of knowledge because of the language. It is not natural at all.
Important facts: The ministry who change the language of Science and Technology to Malay send their own children to learn English.

27.00 - Illegal Immigrants during voting period

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