Wednesday, July 22, 2015

First of all, Selamat Hari Raya, Happy Eid Mubarak to all the Muslim readers who has stumble upon my blog. My name is Vmos and this page is about generating new ideas and looking at current issues on my own personal perspective.

This post will be something different. We took a deep breath towards the issue bombarding Malaysia right now.
Let's not lose sight of the current issues:
1. TPPA from the Unites States of America involving 11 Asean country.
2. 1MDB scandal
3. Future of Malaysia

On this post i would like to talk about cyber security. Do you guys know what a hacker is? A hacker is a someone who "hacks" other computer either for personal use, work (in security) or just plain evil. I am taking Implementation of Cyber Security Management at my university and it is really really interesting.

I would like to emphasize on a certain issues. Have you ever heard of people getting kidnap in Malaysia? Like kids playing at the playground and got snatch in a white van? Do you know what they do to the kids?

Here is the answer. Child Pornography. I am not making this up. This is a serious issues and it has plague our nation. These child will be taken to (Allah knows where they are) someplace and be forced to participate in sexual activities in which I am never ever going to describe. So much horrible. The kids of Malaysia are at risk of subjecting  to human trafficking.

Sometimes these kids will be sold and bought by people around the world. Sometimes as sex slaves, slaves, child labor and all sorts of growing problem. Man this post is really really scary even when I'm writing it. And the place where these kinds of place are taking is withing the deep underground of the internet called The Deep Web.

On The Deep Web you can find drugs, weapons for sale, human trafficking, all sorts of really crazy stuff down there.

Disclaimer: You may search a little more on the Deep Web using google. But the only way for you to get "below" there is to use proxy software to hide your own IP. This may be dangerous to people who are not computer savvy. Do not try this at home

But it is still important for readers to know about all this stuff. Sometimes real crime are always associated with cyber crime.

So what do we need? We need good hackers. We need good hackers who is willing to fight these people in the underground world. We need hackers who has a social conscience that things like child pornography and drugs selling on the internet is wrong and they must be curb.

Click down the below link to go to the page with a little bit more detail of Cyber Security and Implementation in Malaysia

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ke hadapan Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad

Ke hadapan Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad,

Pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun yang ke-90. :3. Nama saya Ibrahim Fikry Bin Abd Nasir. Saya pelajar tahun akhir Electronics and Computer Engineering at Massey University, New Zealand. Saya ingin kata kepada tuan sesuatu. Believe in us. Saya lahir pada tahun 1993. Saya dapat merasai polisi tuan yang mengajar sains and matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Saya dapat merasai kesenangan dan peluang pembelajaran hasil daripada pemerintahan tuan selama lebih 20 tahun. Saya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada tuan kerana tuan saya dapat melanjutkan pelajaran saya ke luar negara. 

Saya sedih melihat kenyataan tuan tentang negara kita Malaysia. Please don't lose faith in us. Me and the rest of my friends are the product of your legacy. And we WILL carry on your legacy.

During my summer break, I volunteer to teach at an orphanage in Malaysia. It has been 2 long years since I have set my foot on my own homeland. So much has changed during that time. I felt like I was in a foreign place. But the food is still good. Mamak terbaik! I decide to take a really meaningful summer break. I volunteer in a place called Home of Peace somewhere in KL. With my prejudice assumption that i was going to a Malay and Islam style orphanage. When I got there to my surprise it was an Indian home. Not only that, it was a Christian Home.

With my experience in dealing with other religion in New Zealand, I was quite ready to answer anything if suddenly the caretaker there started asking me about my agenda or something like that. I calm myself and re-check my intention and re-align myself to came there to help. They welcome me with open arms and I said that I wanted to help in any way I can. They assign me as a Science and Bahasa Malaysia teacher. 

I ended up teaching them simple circuit light bulb. I got carried away with teaching as I have no experience in teaching and taught them a University level circuit theory and how light bulb works. They were a bunch of 5-15 years old with different capabilities. It felt kinda funny when they took interested in a University level education. They are brilliant kids. I also teach them basic Bahasa as they grew up in an English environment. So it is quite hard for them to catch up. They are at a different ages as well.

Towards the end of my summer break, there was the last class. The caretaker ask me to teach something. Something which I never thought I would have to teach. The caretaker ask me to teach about Islam. The caretaker also ask me to teach how to give "salam" and the meaning of it. She also wanted me to teach the Malay culture of respecting elders and such. She values the culture of respecting other race and religion. She even reminded me to pray zohor 1st as I was stuck in a traffic jam before coming there. And she also reminded me to not take to much water during wudhu as they are trying to save water. She said how can we live in a multicultural society in harmony when we don't understand each other. I was touched. I was really touched. The most memorable thing that I remember was when I taught about boys cannot touch girls and vice versa (to avoid unwanted things to happen). One girl said "Even boyfriend and girlfriend?" I replied "ESPECIALLY boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Another incident is when my good friend invited me to spend a day with orphans. This event surrounds Malay and Muslim. At that time it was school holiday and we brought the orphans to watch a movie. One interesting fact: The people who organize this event was the same person who was called keyboard warrior, the same person who posted negative comments about the current state of the country (which is somewhat true to some extend). Even though they posted nasty comments about the government, they walk the talk. They are a bunch of caring people. They donated huge sums of money to the orphans (and it was from their own pocket money ;-)). They spend the day with the orphans, hanging out with them. There was one kid who is really annoying making annoying jokes who insisted on wanting my hat. It was an Australian Cap which I bought when i was transiting in Melbourne to come back home. I made him promise if you want this cap, you have to study hard until you can extend your studies overseas in Australia.

At the end of the session there was a meeting. The lead organizer said to me personally, "Kau pelajar overseas doh. Kau patut buat something doh dengan Malaysia. Kau tak boleh tengok jer. Aku tahu kalau kerja kat overseas gaji lumayan. Aku tahu dan aku faham kalau kau nak tinggalkan Malaysia dengan keadaan Malaysia sekarang ini. Tapi tengok kita orang ni. Kalau pelajar overseas tak bantu, tak apa. Kami masih berada di sini. Kami akan terus membantu rakyat Malaysia. Tetapi jikalau kau ada sekali. Usaha ini akan lebih memberi impak. Ingat! Duit yang kau gunakan untuk belajar di sana adalah duit rakyat."   

That statement hit me so hard. The point that I want to make is tuan. There is still hope. Don't you dare say that Malaysia is doom. We are here. The people who wants to fight for a better country is here. They exist. Media has not been very helpful. They only portray the crazy stuff that happens all around us. They just want a story that sells. To them its just business selling papers. Crazy stuff sells. That is a fact. People like to hear crazy stuff that is happening. But it is not their fault. The situation right now is critical. Anyway tuan, give me more time. I will try to set things right. I am at my final year now. A little more of learning and I will contribute back to Malaysia. I will do whatever I can to fix things.

P/S: This post may or may not reach you Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad. If it does not reach you, it is ok. The story that i told above can be a stepping stone for other readers as well. But if it do, don't lose hope :-). There is light at the end of the tunnel. Lupa nak bagi salam, Assalamualaikum semua.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Insiden Low Yat and Next?

With the release of this video, I cannot stand it any longer.

-The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing-

I would not start by stating all the negative comments of "Kepala hotak buat pe ko gi pukul dia?". That is a statement that only comes out when we are at the level of anger. Nothing good comes out when we take action/comments out of anger. Actually in this comment I would not say a thing about the video. About who right and who is wrong. I want you readers to look at this video and think. Do not have a pre-assumption. Don't judge yet. Look at it and think. No anger, sorrow or any kind of emotion. Think.

P/S: To me, IF it is true that the seller trick the buyer, the buyer can just sue the company and get loads of cash back in return. Rather than causing damage to the car, he could have own the car. Rather than fighting over a phone, he could have buy tons of phone.

Based on my observation, this issue is a SYMPTOM. A symptom that is created and amplify by the social media. With the growing ethnic clash in Malaysia, Malaysia will lose the most basic foundation of this (one and only) country, unity in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society.

I give you a simple example. In a house of family, Brothers is fighting with each other (over who is playing PS1 1st :p). The mother who is seeing this situation in a bigger perspective, does not take side of both of them. Why? Because he sees that if brothers fight that it is not a good family condition to live in. It will affect the younger sister, it will affect how they behave in the dining table, it will affect maybe until they are grown-up, they don't want to help each other.

What happens if the mother take sides? Either of them will start (naik kepala (xtau cane nk translate :p)). The effect? The big brother who is sided will think they are superior and they can do whatever they want to the little brother. According to the mother, everything from the older brother is right. It will continue until they are grown up where the big brother will take advantage of the little brother.

Now we see Malaysia, Malaysia is the family and the brothers are fighting each other over (well you know it)? We the rakyat are the "mother" in this situation. Not the government. Government pun macam ape jer. If we take sides in the social media universe, what is the perception of the brothers? They will think we back them up. We back-up the stupid action that they do. Like brothers fighting in a family.

As a conclusion, taking sides will not solve the problem. It will worsen it.

Some readers of this blog will maybe to try to side either one. But I say it does not matter because the person who are taking sides is not looking at this from a bigger perspective. If riot starts to break out across the country, the country will undergone instability that will cause our country to be open to attacks from outside country.

No more business.
No more food (nasi lemak waaa rindu siak)
No more lepak mamak

It is going to be gang wars everywhere.

At that time (as a Malay saying) "Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga". Things will get worst if we as individual DO NOTHING.

Kalo nk protest, protest pakai intellectual and education.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mahathir strikes again

The Q&A session after the speech from Tun Mahathir. Some of the key highlights of the video:

7.00 - The jurisdiction and relation with Tun Mahathir

13.00 - The facts about corruption and corruption in Malaysia
A lesson that can be learn here is that buat apa duit banyak-banyak? Tidakkah kita ingin lihat negara kita maju? Maju in a sense that the people have food on the table, roof over their head and freedom to live our own life?

19.00 - Tun Mahathir wishes to the youth of Malaysia.

21.00 - English Education explained; why English for Science and Technology is important?
We have to accept the fact that English is the language of knowledge nowadays. Every era has the language of knowledge. There was once a time where everybody had to learn Greek, then Arab, India, Chinese, Malay and so on. If you take example of Japan, they created their own technology, if Japan was not bombed by the US, maybe some time right now everybody had to learn Japanese. It is just the way things are. We cannot be ignorant to say that we stop the acquisition of knowledge because of the language. It is not natural at all.
Important facts: The ministry who change the language of Science and Technology to Malay send their own children to learn English.

27.00 - Illegal Immigrants during voting period

Friday, July 10, 2015

A video of our ex-Prime Minister Tun Mahathir. Touching the issue of banking, currency exchange, democracy and politics. A summary of the video:

1. How does currency works from a doctor point of view (which to me agak noob Tun M but      eventually he learns).
2. How bank works
3. When you are not at top, you don't have power :p
4. An analogy of democracy and Egypt a little bit.

As I promised, these are steps in order to improve ourselves. Take a read 1st and leave a comment below on what you guys think. :D

Here is my 3 page of some insight/idea that can be taken into consideration. Click the link:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Assalamualaikum and good day to all of you who has stumble upon my blog. :)

It has been bugging me for quite some time now but finally I have my own blog that i want to share, educate, learn to and from people out there that is in the same boat (maybe not all the time) as i am. 1st of all i would introduce myself as Vmos. From here on out I would go by the pseudonym Vmos.

Our country right now (Malaysia) is on a collision course towards destruction. I want to voice out my opinion on this matter (better late than never). This is what this blog is all about. But rather than concentrating myself on the problem (which there is heap!) I would be focusing on the solution. Solution in which I think is the best in the current position (power, skill, etc) that I am in right now (as a student studying overseas). But 1st we need to look at the problem.

 Malaysia's current exchange rate (at the time i am writing this post) to the US dollar is RM3.82 to USD1. It is equivalent to the time in which Malaysia face an economic crisis back in 1997 or 1998. At that time some of the ASEAN countries tried to solve the problem by borrowing from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

With the IMF creating perpetual debt (infinite debt) towards the ASEAN countries, these countries have no choice but to surrender their homeland, economic and military. The IMF can rule other countries by proxy (you think you have independence but you're NOT!) by using this method.

This is a very dangerous time for Malaysia as we are vulnerable to attacks from other countries. Attack includes:
- Poverty
- Scarcity of food
- Rising of everyday goods (items that we import will become higher in price because of our low   exchange rate)
- Economic
- Social
- Political
- Civil Wars
- Military (last option if an enemy wants to invade our country)

For this post I would like to focus on economic and technology. This post will be solely targeted to overseas student who are currently (or not) studying in Engineering or Bio-technology (Agriculture to be precise)

Senang citer negara kita noob daripada segi semua ni. Kita terlalu dependent dengan technology negara luar. Ini menyebabkan negara kita tidak jadi negara pengeluar. Apabila negara kita asyik mengimport and matawang kita jatuh, itu akan menyebabkan negara kita tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk berdiri dengan sendiri.

Saya tidak kata saya tidak suka negara Indonesia tapi kita mengambil contoh dan iktibar dari negara mereka. Apabila tahap technology sesebuah negara berada pada tahap rendah, negara itu xtau nk buat apa. Jadi kebanyakan warganya akan migrate ke negara jiran in hopes for a better life (tiada pekerjaan). Maka kita hanya memandang Indonesia sebagai negara tenaga buruh sahaja.

Mari kita lihat Jepun pula. Jepun mempunyai tahap technology yang sangat tinggi. It creates job opportunity for the people. They develop the technology and EXPORT it. Duit masuk ke negara mereka.

Kesimpulannya, technology and economic are closely related.

Jadi apa kene mengena dengan pelajar overseas Vmos?

Ini apa yang ibu saya cakap and i'm quoting "[Name] janganlah belajar kat overseas fikir nk grad sahaja. Lepas grad kahwin. Kahwin dapat anak. Kerja biasa-biasa sahaja untuk tanggung family. Mak tak kata jalan itu salah. Cuma rugi kalau MARA hantar belajar overseas hanya untuk kerja biasa-biasa sahaja. [Name] cuba fikir. Kalau [Name] tak cuba untuk buat negara kita lebih baik, dunia apa yang anak-anak nanti hidup? [Name] yang akan membentuk negara, suasana untuk anak-anak belajar. Mak tak nak hidup dalam negara anak ramai tapi hanya jadi orang biasa. Zaman mak dah berlalu. Mak sudah tua. Mak dan Ayah cuba untuk memberi peluang supaya [Name] boleh bina negara. Jangan buat untuk politician, jangan buat untuk orang kaya, JANGAN buat untuk mak, buat untuk the next generation. Mak tak paksa [Name] untuk jadi lawyer ke, doktor ke, askar ke. Harapan Mak adalah untuk [Name] jadi orang baik dan tolong orang. Itu sahaja"

Anyway ini adalah few suggestion.

Chemical Engineer
- Identify apa chemical yang boleh diproduce di Malaysia (dengan bahan yang Malaysia ada) and try to sell it to outside country.

Electronics and Computer Engineer
- Develop security system or wireless system yang hi-tech, produce di Malaysia dan sell it to other country, maybe Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Mechanical Engineer/Automotive Engineer
-Develop engine sendiri di Malaysia. Tapi try buat green tech. And sell it to other country.

Mechatronics Engineer
-Mechatronics ni byk giler application. Boleh guna untuk 3 yg atas. Manufacturing yg murah, precise seperti Jepun. Mass production. Atau machine yang boleh mass produce. Sell it to other country.

-Cuma improve penanaman padi di Malaysia. (Tanaman padi bertingkat?? maybe). Intern pertama saya buat saya research tentang padi di Malaysia and it is shocking (for me) that Malaysia mengimport beras walaupun kita pengeluar (maksudnye prouction kita tidak mencukupi untuk menampung jumlah penduduk). Try improve yang ini.

This maybe some of the ways but I think these are things that we need to think about.

P/S: Minta maaf kerana merojakkan post ini. Tetapi isi harus disampaikan jua. This blog is dedicated to local and overseas stundent juga. :)